At Evanston Grows, we are unwavering in our commitment to fostering a more just, diverse, equitable, inclusive and welcoming world. We believe that genuine progress is achieved when every member of our community has the chance to thrive and when we ensure that opportunities and resources are accessible to all.

Justice: We are resolutely committed to justice, actively working to dismantle systemic injustices that persist in our society. Our goal is to create a world where fairness and equal rights are the foundation of all our endeavors.

Diversity: We celebrate the incredible diversity within our community. We acknowledge that our differences, encompassing race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, ability and more enrich our collective experience. We are dedicated to including and engaging people from all backgrounds.

Equity: We believe in equity, where every individual is empowered with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. We are committed to breaking down barriers and creating an environment where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances can succeed.

Inclusion: Inclusion is at the core of our mission. We are devoted to ensuring that every individual feels valued, respected and heard within our organization and community. We actively work to eliminate exclusion and discrimination in all their forms.

Belonging: We are deeply committed to nurturing a sense of belonging within our organization and our community. Every person should feel that they have a place here, that their perspectives are valuable and that they are an integral part of our collective journey.

We pledge to:

Community Engagement: We will actively engage with our community, seeking their input, feedback and collaboration to better understand and address their needs and concerns.

Opportunity Provision: We are dedicated to providing opportunities for growth, learning and empowerment to all individuals with a special focus on those who have been historically marginalized.

Equitable Resource Allocation: We will allocate our resources in a manner that reflects our commitment to equity, ensuring that they are directed where they are needed most.

Education and Advocacy: We will educate our community on matters related to justice, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and we will advocate for policies and actions that advance these principles.

Accountability: We will regularly assess our progress, acknowledge our shortcomings and adapt our practices to better align with our JDEIB values.

Together we can build a more just, diverse, equitable, inclusive and welcoming world. We are committed to realizing this vision, one step at a time and one person at a time.


En Evanston Grows, estamos comprometidos con un mundo donde la justicia, la diversidad, la equidad, la inclusión y la pertenencia son primordiales. Creemos en proporcionar oportunidades y recursos para todos en nuestra comunidad.

Nuestro Compromiso:

  • Justicia: Nos esforzamos por eliminar las injusticias sistémicas y apoyar la igualdad de derechos.

  • Diversidad: Celebramos y nos involucramos con nuestra comunidad diversa.

  • Equidad: Derribamos barreras y proporcionamos recursos para que todos prosperen.

  • Inclusión: Garantizamos que se valore y escuche cada voz.

  • Pertenencia: Fomentamos un sentido de pertenencia para todos.

Nuestra Promesa:

  • Involucrar a la comunidad a través de la colaboración activa.

  • Brindar oportunidades y recursos para todas las personas.

  • Asignar recursos de manera equitativa, centrándonos en áreas de necesidad.

  • Educar y abogar por los principios de JDEIB.

  • Mantenernos responsables de nuestro progreso.

Juntos, construimos un mundo más justo, diverso, equitativo, inclusivo y acogedor, un paso a la vez.